Does my baby have colic?

Little babies can communicate their needs only through crying. So, a crying baby is nothing new. Sometimes, your baby may cry at a high pitch even after you feed him, change his diaper, and soothe him. It can be highly stressful when you cannot stop the screaming? This is when all parents start wondering, ‘does my baby have colic?’. How to know if your baby has colic, what are the symptoms, and when to consult a doctor? Read more to know the answers to all these questions.  

Does my baby have colic? 

What is colic? According to the ‘Rule of Threes’ definition, a baby that cries for more than three hours a day, at least three days a week, for more than three weeks is said to have colic. Researchers conclude that 20 to 25% of babies have colic and the causes and cure are still a mystery. However, you can find if your baby has colic or not if you know the symptoms. 

Symptoms of colic 

  1. Physical changes 

Does your little one clench his fists or arch his back or curl up his legs or tense his stomach muscles while crying? If so, your baby may have colic. Babies pulling and extending legs in distress can be a sign of colic. Your baby may close his eyes or open his eyes abnormally wide. Your little one may also become red-eyed. Sometimes the tummy may look swollen. 

  1. Inconsolable and repetitive crying 

If the crying is more intense and louder than the usual cry and if it is consolable, it can be colic. Colic usually occurs in the evening hours. Inconsolable crying in the evening is a symptom of colic. Moreover, the crying occurs at the same time every day. 

  1. Disruption in eating 

When you try to breastfeed your baby, if he frantically seeks a nipple at first and then rejects feed or if he dozes off while feeding and then wakes up with a big scream, it could be colic. 

When to see a doctor? 

Is the intensity and duration of your baby’s screaming session increasing day by day? Do you feel the odds are that your baby is crying because of colic? Then it is time to visit the doctor. The doctor will examine your baby to rule out medical issues that could cause intense crying. The conditions to be ruled out include milk allergy, reflux, fever, and infection. Your doctor will also make sure that your baby is fed sufficiently. Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment for colic. You can try a few remedies and if they work. Some doctors recommend probiotics to balance the bacteria. Some recommend gas-relief medications. If you are planning to give any medications, make sure you consult your doctor before giving. Home remedies that you must try is a colic swaddle belt. You can buy Nasobuddy® The Sleep Helper™ kit which has a colic swaddle belt, a baby shusher and a Baby lavender Balm. All these products are effective in soothing your baby and making him sleep. 


The Sleep Helper is available for purchase here.

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