How essential oils help with your baby’s cold and cough
Essential oils have been used for thousands of years for the good health of humans. They are used to relieve colds, coughs, pains and stress etc. Is it advisable to use essential oils for babies? Do they really help with your baby’s cold? Let’s find out.
How does lavender oil help with your baby’s cold & cough ?
It has anti viral and anti bacterial properties. This helps in giving relief from cold. It also gets rid of stress and exhaustion of your baby and promotes good sleep. Your baby will sleep soundly when lavender oil with carrier oil and rubbed on chest and back. A study showed that newborns that smelled lavender oil while undergoing heel prick test experienced less pain and lower heart rate than those who did not smell lavender.
How does chamomile oil help with your baby’s cold & cough ?
It has anti inflammatory, soothing and anti microbial properties. It relieves pain and calms the baby. It provides good sleep to the baby and decreases cough and congestion.
How does eucalyptus oil help with your baby’s cold and cough ?
Eucalyptus oil is known for its ability to treat colds, congestions and respiratory disorders because of its anti viral properties. However, you should remember that there are many types of essential oils and not all of them are safe to be used for babies. Eucalyptus oil contains a compound called cineole. The more the cineole content the more it is unsafe for the baby. Some of the species with very high cineole content are recommended for use only for children above 10 years of age. Eucalyptus radiata is one type of eucalyptus oil that is safe to be used for babies because of the low cineole content in it.
How does patchouli essential oil help with your baby’s cold ?

Common colds and cough affects the baby’s sleep quality, denying them the comfort and rest required to overcome their ailment. Patchouli oil helps them to settle in for a peaceful nights sleep. In dilute quantities in a balm , it can really work wonders.
Points to remember while using essential oils for your little one
- It should not be used without diluting with carrier oil like coconut oil or sunflower oil.
- It should not be used directly on kids younger than 3 months old. You can add two to three drops in hot water and place it under the crib. The vapor gives soothing effect and gives relief from nasal block.
- It is strictly not recommended for internal use. Keep essential oils out of reach of children to avoid accidental ingestion.
- Make sure that you use pure essential oil and not adulterated oil.
- Make sure you do not expose the baby’s skin directly to sunlight after applying essential oils. It may cause irritation and rash on the skin.